By Nishant surve
Dijkstra's Algorithm
Given a weighted, undirected, and connected graph of V vertices and an adjacency list adj where adj[i] is a list of lists containing two integers where the first integer of each list j denotes there is an edge between i and j, second integers corresponds to the weight of that edge. You are given the source vertex S and You have to Find the shortest distance of all the vertex from the source vertex S. You have to return a list of integers denoting the shortest distance between each node and the Source vertex S.
Example 1:
V = 2
adj [] = {{{1, 9}}, {{0, 9}}}
S = 0
Output: 0 9
Note: S is source node and Graph doesn’t contain any negative weight cycle
using namespace std;
class Solution
// Function to find the shortest distance of all the vertices
vector<int> dijkstra(int V, vector<vector<int>> adj[], int S)
// Create a priority queue (min-Heap)for storing the nodes as a pair type{distant,node}
// where dist is the distance from source to the node.
priority_queue<pair<int, int>, vector<pair<int, int>>, greater<pair<int, int>>> pq;
// Initialising distant list with a large number to
// This list contains distance from source to the nodes.
vector<int> distant(V, INT_MAX);
// Source initialised with dist=0.
distant[S] = 0;
pq.push({0, S});
while (!pq.empty())
int node =;
int dis =;
for (auto it : adj[node])
int v = it[0];
int w = it[1];
if (dis + w < distant[v])
distant[v] = dis + w;
pq.push({dis + w, v});
return distant;
int main()
int V = 3, E = 3, S = 2;
vector<vector<int>> adj[V];
vector<vector<int>> edges;
vector<int> v1{1, 1}, v2{2, 6}, v3{2, 3}, v4{0, 1}, v5{1, 3}, v6{0, 6};
int i = 0;
Solution obj;
vector<int> ans = obj.dijkstra(V, adj, S);
for (int i = 0; i < V; i++)
cout << ans[i] << " ";
cout << endl;